Tuesday, October 26, 2010


a face I love to photograph….

As a photographer, I am passionate about my work.  I think that its something in you, that you either have or don’t,  I have been asked before, “show me how to take better pictures”- and while I don’t mind sharing what I know, I can’t teach the passion I feel inside of me. 

Do you ever have a face you just LOVE to see in a picture? There are always little ones that I just fall in love with, through the lens.  This little one is definitely one of my recent favorite faces.  Just something about the way she scrunches up her nose, and kind of smiles, but not just yet? She makes me work for what I get- but let me tell you… its all worth it at the end.  I love her combination of blonde hair and hazel brown eyes.  She’s truly just adorable… and a little spit fire! Maybe it’s the combination that I love… or maybe its just images like these that make me smile.



Its been a rough month here for us, and I am so grateful sometimes to get lost in work…To look at a face like this- something that reminds me that “this too shall pass”… Thanks Ms. K for being you, and for bringing a smile to my face today.



Monday, October 25, 2010

Its Pink Week at I Heart Faces…
So everyone knows by now that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month.  It’s a disease that, unfortunately, is near and dear to my heart. 
I would like you to meet a good friend of mine… Jeannette.  Jeannette and I ,et about 15 or so years ago, when we were just KIDS working at Target.  (Lovingly called Tar-ghetto at the time).  When I first met her, I got that sense that she was one cool chick, and 15+ years later I couldn’t agree more.  As kids, you never really think about the harsh realities of life.  But as an adult, that seems sometimes to be all there is.  About 7 years ago, I got a call from Jeannette…. her mom had been diagnosed with breast cancer.  Jeannette was scared- of course, who wouldn’t be? But she was strong, and stood beside her mom for every battle during her treatment and recovery.  Now, 7 years later, I am happy to say that Lucy is cancer free!
Unfortunately, while helping her mom to  fight a battle was beginning to brew for her… About a year ago, my friend Jeannette had to stand up and fight her own battle… She was diagnosed with breast cancer.  When she told me, I wanted to yell at whoever was in charge of passing out cancer and say, “there must be a mistake, take it back, its not fair…” I cried for her and with her- but never ever did I doubt her amazing strength and tenacity.  After undergoing the process of saving and freezing eggs, then chemo & radiation, and most recently a double mastectomy, I am happy to say that a year later… things look amazing for my friend.  Not only is she winning this war against cancer, she has made it a part of her life… instead of running away and grieving for what she has lost, she has looked cancer RIGHT IN THE EYE, and said ITS YOUR TURN TO LOSE! I don’t know if I could do what she has done… But I know that I am glad that she did. 
As a survivor, she isn’t just that… she’s raised countless dollars for research, walked the walks, gone to Young Survivors Coalitions, been featured in Web MD… She took on cancer, fought, won, and is still winning.
When she lost her hair, I told her I would shave my head.  She would have no part of it… But what she did do, what she did ask was that I took her photograph.  The image that I am sharing today is one of my most favorite of our session…. and very meaningful to me.  You can see how strong she is, see her joy, her spirit… and just a little bit of her.
Jeannette, you are my hero some days… When I look at my life and complain, I gather strength and courage.  I am honored to have been a part of this journey, and even more so to call you my friend.  I love you.
You remember how I started this blog with the whole dippity doo dad and I Heart Faces? Well there was a point… Their challenge this week was pink.  I have never shared before, but this time I knew that I had to… I hope you like my entry… You should join in… its fun!!

Thanks for sharing part of my day with me, and have a great rest of yours… just-d