Friday, September 17, 2010

Mini session with a super cute Boo...

So that's her nickname, Boo.  Maybe it was from the movie Monsters, Inc.? Hmm, should have asked.  It would be kind of funny if it were, because as soon as I saw this little cutie, I remembered my own little girl at her age- and when that movie came out, I thought she reminded me of the little girl, Boo, in the movie. 

Little Ms. C's birthday is this Tuesday, and this cloth diapered cutie was already on the move.  Here are a few of my favorites of our session.
Cutie in cloth

Happy Birthday Boo!! Tutu from Sweet Things

Have you heard about Addison Park Photography?

I know, isn't it weird to be on my blog, and read about me blogging about another photographer? Yea, but this chick rocks!! I know Anne-Michelle of Addison Park Photography personally, and we've been really great friends for going on five years.  I am super excited for where her work is going, and would love for you to check her out.  I know, she's local, and "competition", but I am a firm believer in variety being the spice of life. 

I am super excited to announce us working together on the Halloween Mini Sessions that coming up... Anne-Michelle has a great little indoor studio set up in her garage, and the best thing, its almost all natural light! Can't wait to see all the little boo's and ghouls in their Halloween costumes!

Have a fab Friday, all!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Do you love texture in a photo?

As I continue on my journey in the wonderful world of Photoshop, I am contstantly amazed at the process and the outcome of adding texture in a picture.  In my opinion, not every picture needs texture- and in fact, sometimes texture takes away from a picture.... This is just my opinion, but maybe you feel the same way?

I recently did an urban themed photoshoot with an amazing family with six kids.  I used texture in a lot of the post processing.

While browsing the net today, I came across this awesome link for textures! There are a ton of freebies out there, but these textures are the kind I really like.  My mind literally goes crazy seeing it all come together in my head! So much fun.

Here are a few of my images with texture...

Do you know how to add texture to a photo? If you have Photoshop, I highly reccomend Coffee Shop's "Give it Texture" action- makes it super easy and easy to achieve the desired results.

for the love of maternity...

I love maternity photos. Its such an awesome time to capture the love between a mommy and an unborn child.  I always love my sessions, but sometimes I uber love what I see... this session, for me, was one of uber love, for sure.  Amy is such a beautiful mama, inside and out.  She's got the perfect little belly...

We chose an outdoor location for this session.  When we got there, we were both a little dissapointed- recently, someone had decided to take down all the weeds that are usually in the field.  Don't they know that us photographer types LOVE stuff like that?? Fire prevention... sigh.  I mean, its a worthy cause, but could you at least ask me? Luckily as we were on our way to the alternate location, I found a tiny little spot with which to work, and the photos came out beautiful. 

I am really  beginning to love shooting in the later hours.  The sun is just so lovely at certain times, and as you know, your light really adds a lot to a shot.  In my opinion, the light can either make or break a shot.  Shooting into the sun isn't normally what I prefer to do, but in trying to achieve a certain look its a must!
She's just such a beautiful mama...

Simply beautiful.... We were in a field of weeds, and I loved how the shadows played on her bun in the oven.

My favorite of the session.

Thank you, Amy, Tommy and Miss A. for the super rad session! Can't wait to meet your newest bundle of joy. 

Have you stopped by The Savvy Moms Guide??

Recently, I was approached by two super rad and beautiful lades, Amy & Bri, from The Savvy Moms Guide... I was asked to be the exclusive blog photographer and designer for this awesome duo who are setting out to do some pretty awesome things!!

I have to say, it was a real honor to be asked, and I, of course, said YES!!

We had our first play date, which was an "Back to School" apple themed party.  The girls asked me to make some designs up, and come out and take the pictures of the event.  I can really see where they are going with this... These days, its all about presentation- and Bri & Amy are super inspiring when it comes to this... Its not like the days of Martha Stewart... Its better, and more fab (Sorry, Martha, it IS!)... The reasons being is because these girls understand the want to create the most special of days with the resources on hand... and when you don't have the resources on hand, how to find the best deals and piece together a tablescape, goody bag, invitation, and fun that yes, even Martha would find inspiring.

So, stop on by and become a fan on Facebook, or a follower on Blogger... I look forward to working with these awesome ladies, and learning how to become more savvy in the process!

A super tutu event...

Have you met my friend, Nicole Troccoli, from Sweet Things Kids? She is the creator & designer of all things tutu and pretty! I met her when she hired me for a football tutu themed photoshoot for her two little girls... I decided to start working with her, one  because I adore her, and two because her products are literally the best I have seen!! We have been talking for a while about doing a tutu photoshoot/play day for her products... These are just a few of my favorites of the day, but all of her designs can be seen in her Etsy shop. Stop by and say hi- I promise, she's fab to work with, and you will be nothing but happy with your purchase!
My favorite twin models... So cute! I keep asking the mom to take one of these littles home, but so far its a no go.  Aren't they adorable in their Christmas tutu & tie?
Little angel, Ms. M.  She's just a sweet girl. 
She's 3... and got the coture posing down flat! I love working with her. 

Nicole's little witch... ready to cast a spell on you.

I took over 400 pictures of these tutu'd cuties... These were just a few that I really loved, and had to share... Thanks for stopping by, and for more 'Ella B, check my work out on Facebook!

The bad blogger strikes again....

Really, I try. I know from the looks of this sadly tended blog it doesn't appear as such... but if thoughts were actions that counted, I would have the most awesome blog of all.

So many things are going on in life- The biggest of all is that all of my kids are in school now. They started 4 weeks ago, but I am still missing them every day, and still trying to adjust to being a stay at home mom with no kids to take care of. I toy with the idea of getting a "real" job, where I would have to paste on the business suit and smile... but I haven't convinced myself that its a bridge worth crossing... not yet.

I got a puppy, just a few days before the kids started school. He's a great little pooch, and I think I am using him as a substitute kid these days... I depend on him to bother me while I am trying to go potty, or talk on the phone... Its like my brain doesn't function the way its supposed to without some outside distraction.

When we first got our puppy, he was the cutest, tiniest little thing. All full of fur and fluff. I am not generally the girl who gets giddy with cute fluffy type things, but... Uhm, yea. I went a little crazy with the camera in the first few days.

I have been working, here and there, but September is generally a slower month for me. I miss shooting as much as I usually do, but I know that I should enjoy the break, because October, November & December are gearing up to be very busy months. Yay! Bring it on...

I was asked to be the exclusive blog photographer and designer for a really awesome blog, called the Savvy Moms Guide. Its a really great resource for moms!

I am also working with Nicole of Sweet Things Kids, she makes awesome tutus and costumes.

Off to edit, just thought it was about time to check in.