Really, I try. I know from the looks of this sadly tended blog it doesn't appear as such... but if thoughts were actions that counted, I would have the most awesome blog of all.
So many things are going on in life- The biggest of all is that all of my kids are in school now. They started 4 weeks ago, but I am still missing them every day, and still trying to adjust to being a stay at home mom with no kids to take care of. I toy with the idea of getting a "real" job, where I would have to paste on the business suit and smile... but I haven't convinced myself that its a bridge worth crossing... not yet.
I got a puppy, just a few days before the kids started school. He's a great little pooch, and I think I am using him as a substitute kid these days... I depend on him to bother me while I am trying to go potty, or talk on the phone... Its like my brain doesn't function the way its supposed to without some outside distraction.
When we first got our puppy, he was the cutest, tiniest little thing. All full of fur and fluff. I am not generally the girl who gets giddy with cute fluffy type things, but... Uhm, yea. I went a little crazy with the camera in the first few days.
I have been working, here and there, but September is generally a slower month for me. I miss shooting as much as I usually do, but I know that I should enjoy the break, because October, November & December are gearing up to be very busy months. Yay! Bring it on...
I was asked to be the exclusive blog photographer and designer for a really awesome blog, called the Savvy Moms Guide. Its a really great resource for moms!
I am also working with Nicole of Sweet Things Kids, she makes awesome tutus and costumes.
Off to edit, just thought it was about time to check in.
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