Thursday, July 29, 2010

The boys!

Seriously... I look at the calendar and am just in awe that its already the end of July.  Where has summer gone? My kids will start back in about a month.  I know that seems like a while, but if you know me, you know that I am super duper attatched to my kids... This year, back to school will be particulary hard.  All three of my littles will be in school, and its my baby's first year!

Yesterday was a pretty mild weather day, especially for being summer & Riverside.  Instead of being cooped up in the house, I decided to take my boys downtown for a little mini photo session.  These are a few of my superfavoriteloveshots of the session.

Here is my little tough guy, Johnny.  He looks so grown up, and ahem, if I do say so myself so BUFF! Now, really, its probably because he is holding his arms that way, but he really likes this image of himself- cause he's got "ninja muscles" Maybe this is the photo that I could use for his Senior page, when the time comes?
Again, the crazy lady laying on the ground to get this shot in front of City Hall.  I love the angle here, and the lighting was really good, too! I love how soft (without being washed out) this image feels.  His eyes are perfect!
Jace hamming it up in the alley.  One of the many cool alleys I found to peruse while walking in Downtown.
This was taken right outside of City Hall, there are a lot of fountains that just called out to my boys.  I love this image for so many reasons... I love the reflection of light to his face off the water most of all.

Johnny & Jace can't keep a straight face for anything!!! I had them sit down in front of City Hall for this shot.  I am sure patrons doing business wondered what this mad woman with a camera was doing laying down to get this shot.  Oh well, I say WORTH IT!

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